Those who know their inner voice,
make quick informed decisions.
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LIFE Talks

Living by example creates the change
Feeling the new - inspiration at eye level - real contact

What does it mean to personally, strategically and organizationally look change in the eye? What do leaders and followers need in order to do that? How do we create the space for higher level solutions, collective intelligence and co-creation? The impulse speeches encourage and open eyes and hearts.

They inspire and show pragmatic walkable paths which I have experienced and continue to experience. And I always customise the introductory speeches individually. From fireside talks in small management circles to large group events with hundreds of executives and change agents.

Inspirational Talks


Leading High Performing Teams

Performance cultures for high level solutions

The enormous demand for quality leadership within the dynamics of our time is completely undervalued.

Leadership is demanding at all levels, above all when requiring the ability to change oneself: to tactfully hand over power and control to the employees ‘self-responsibility and self-organization; to recognize one‘s own projections and be open to the unexpected;

to abandon old patterns, and confidently use one’s own judgment and influence in a precise way … These are only a few requirements for the leaders and companions of change. This is the only way to create higher-level solutions, collective intelligence and co-creation in order to provide the company with agility for today, tomorrow and beyond.

Become aware of what you already feel as change agents – and what you can and must change with real inner strength.


The heart of corporate change

How trust culture emerges

Trust is the lubricant for efficient performance and a powerful corporate culture.

Trust reduces costs, increases speed, and helps reduce complexity. Trust is the breeding ground for successful relationships.

But beware: building a culture of credibility and consistency is a lengthy process with various stumbling blocks. It requires much more than well-defined guiding principles. It needs courage, good reflective skills and above all self-confidence.

Because self-confidence is the basis. Only those who trust themselves can trust others, therefore, managers must first focus on themselves.

Courage is needed to allow open feedback and confrontations. This is the only way to create an atmosphere that encourages the transmission of even bad news to the top.

In so doing, it is important to bear in mind how one’s behavior affects others …


Sovereign leadership in complex and dynamic times

Think clearly – decide courageously – cooperate successfully

Leadership in the digital world of work is different: tasks are more complex. Networked structures and self-responsibility dissolve hierarchies. Negotiating and selling convincingly as well as inspiring and motivating people ensure the new breakthrough.

Being able to self-manage and form relationships is more important than ever: only those who know themselves and lead themselves can lead others.

Others can be reached and moved by genuine relationships. This makes leading easier and more effective.

1. The 12 personal leadership skills that are crucial in the digital age
2. How to improve your leadership profile
3. Highly effective methods of self-control, e.g. meditation and yoga

Based on fascinating scientific findings about brain research as well as on emotional and intuitive intelligence.


Leading with power and focus

Health conscious, appreciative, inspired

A dangerous career phenomenon: your responsibility increases, but your energy sinks lower and lower … Almost every leader will recognize this. If you can counteract it, you will be CEO – Chief Energy Officer!

In order to keep your energy level high, even in difficult times, you need to look at four energy dimensions: physical energy, emotional energy, cognitive energy and mind-based energy.

1. Fascinating insights into the functioning of brain and psyche
2. Understanding and using the “phenomenon of energy” in its complexity
3. Understand and control your own energy with simple as well as proven techniques from meditation and yoga

The result: You control your personal energy – and are mindful of the energy of your employees.